Urban Strategies is collaborating with a diverse team of technical specialists in preparing the master plan for Guiyang Garden City, a 1,290 acre (522 hectare) site in Guiyang, China.
The City of Guiyang is forecast to receive considerable growth in population by 2030. Guiyang Garden City has a significant opportunity for revitalizing, due to its close proximity to the City’s historic Central Business District to the east, and a new transit center to the north. However, the site’s physical properties impose challenges for redevelopment. Characteristic of the province’s mountainous topography, the site is surrounded by various hills and valleys. Posing further challenges, the center of the site is bisected by various infrastructural barriers including an elevated high speed rail line, rail routes, and an eight lane freeway.

Our master plan reintegrates Guiyang Garden City with its surrounding context, while responding to the site’s natural landscape. New technologies will be used to reconnect the site across the surrounding physical barriers. The design proposes a diverse series of new urban districts where commerce can thrive, as well as new intimate communities for citizens to call home. These new districts will be surrounded by an interconnected series of regionally significant cultural spaces titled the “Jade Necklace” in support of the expanding tourism market.

Key Team Members

Joe Berridge

Michel Trocmé

Warren Price

Geoff Whittaker