Urban design is fundamental to the creation of enduring, attractive and high-value environments. Such environments are flexible and can evolve to accommodate change, different uses and needs over time. Urban design provides not only a strong underlying organizational structure to urban spaces but also ensures careful thought to details, ensuring that places remain important, well-loved places that support civic and economic activity and a high quality of life.
Urban Strategies is adept in assisting public and private sector clients in understanding and implementing good urban design. Long before “smart growth”, “new urbanism” and “intensification” were in vogue, we were advocating and demonstrating fresh, sustainable approaches to infill and greenfield development. We know how to align differing community, political and developer perspectives to achieve vibrant and distinctive urban environments.
Urban Design Guidelines, Form Based Code, Zoning By Laws and Other Tools
We regularly prepare Urban Design Guidelines that provide design and physical
parameters to effectively move from planning to the next phases of implementation and project construction. Our urban design guidelines and Form Based Codes are often integrated within official regulatory policy municipal and regional governments. It is not unusual for Urban Strategies to also outline the range of development incentives that can be used to encourage adherence to urban design guidelines and foster high-quality built environments.
Typically, we work with our public sector clients to develop urban design guidelines and strategies which suit the local context and the particular needs of the community, as well as complimenting other initiatives such as sustainability.
We understand that policies will mean different things in different contexts—every place should be unique, building upon and celebrating its assets as it grows. We know how to align differing community, political and developer perspectives to achieve vibrant and distinctive urban environments.
“Urban design provides not only a strong underlying organizational structure to urban spaces but also ensures careful thought to details, ensuring that places remain important, well-loved places that support civic and economic activity and a high quality of life.”

Markham Age Friendly Design Guidelines
Design direction for new and redeveloping communities, focusing on three scales– the neighbourhood, the building and site, and the unit.

City of North Vancouver Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw Update
A new, form-based Zoning Bylaw for the City of North Vancouver.