Our Contribution to Design Review Panels
Involvement in our industry’s design leadership has long been important to Urban Strategies. Design Review is a critical process for municipalities and government agencies. Panels members draw on foundational policy documents such as the Official Plan, Secondary Plans, Design Guidelines, but also the varied expertise of their members, gained from involvement and leadership in successful city-building projects. We frequently act as jury members for Urban Design Awards or for design competition, and regularly present projects for approval by
Design Review Panels.
Currently we are members of the following Design Review Panels:
Hamilton Design Review Panel: Tim Smith
Toronto Community Housing Design Review Panel: Yiwen Zhu
City of Toronto Design Review Panel: George Dark
City of Markham Urban Design Review Panel: Michel Trocmé
City of Brampton Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP) – Pilot Project – Eric Turcotte (Chair)
Waterfront Toronto Urban Design Review Panel: Eric Turcotte