Who We Are > People > Kenny Lamizana

Kenny Lamizana

Associate, Urban Planner
Kenny Lamizana's Headshot.

Kenny is a bilingual urban planner with experience in research, stakeholder engagement, and services planning and integration. Her academic and professional trajectory has been motivated by her interests in urban issues and social inequities and her desire to contribute to the delivery and improvement of urban services. Previously, she worked as a planning officer for the French Public District School Board in Ontario. As a co-founder of the Mentoring Initiative for Indigenous and Planners of Colour (MIIPOC), Kenny aims to further advance diversity and representation in the planning profession through mentorship and networking. At Urban Strategies, Kenny is contributing to development applications in the Greater Toronto Area and research on heritage district integration for Camp Picton in PEC and age-friendly planning for the Markham Age-Friendly Design Guidelines.