York Region will grow by an additional 425,000 people and 264,000 jobs by 2031, and much of the growth is planned in the region’s four major centres and along transit corridors. Recognizing the many challenges of developing transit-oriented urban places in a suburban context, the Region retained Urban Strategies to develop a Best Practices Guide for Planning Centres and Corridors document. We held a stakeholder workshop to understand the range of issues the document needed to address and then selected examples from our library of best practices, which was augmented by additional research. The document is designed as a compendium of strategies and innovations for city planners and developers as well as residents with an interest in how their community is expected to grow. The strategies and best practices are grouped under city-building themes to help planners and developers address challenges such as coordinating infrastructure, building complete streets, determining parkland requirements, managing parking and designing high-quality places.
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