Projects > Durham Regional TOD Study

Durham Regional TOD Study

Durham Region, Ontario 2009

Diagram of street displaying public realm as well as a bus station.

Durham Region must plan to accommodate 960,000 people living and 350,000 employees in the Region by the year 2031, with 40% of this growth occurring within the existing built boundary. The realization of transit oriented development (TOD) will be a key factor in meeting these regional growth plan targets and objectives. In response, the Region retained Urban Strategies to create the Durham Region TOD Strategy as a core component of their ongoing Long Term Transit Strategy (LTTS). The TOD Strategy was recognized as necessary to advance a supportive land use pattern for the region’s future rapid transit network, and to help chart a more sustainable and competitive future for Durham.

durham network_character_#s_slideKey components and deliverables of the TOD Strategy process include a best practices and existing policy review; an analysis and planning rationale for the identification of 39 TOD Places in Durham; a series of TOD demonstration site workshops used to test place-specific TOD potential within each area municipality; and the preparation of TOD-specific urban design guidelines and benchmark metrics to guide the evolution of transit supportive places.


Project Details


Durham Region

Land Use/Scale


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