Michigan Association of Planning Outstanding Economic Development and Planning Award, Planning and Analysis
Michigan Association of Landscape Architects Merit Award, Planning and Analysis
Urban Strategies worked with the City of Detroit and a team of local consultants to develop the Neighborhood Plan for East Warren/Cadieux in northeast Detroit. East Warren/Cadieux is comprised of three neighbourhoods (Morningside, East English Village, and Cornerstone Village), connected by a 2-mile long commercial corridor on East Warren Ave. The Plan is one of ten initiated by the City of Detroit through the Strategic Neighborhood Fund, a partnership between the City, Invest Detroit, neighbourhood residents and corporate donors to deliver catalytic improvements to Detroit communities.

The East Warren/Cadieux Neighborhood Plan will devise strategies for four related project themes:
- Neighborhood stabilization: Removing blight and rehabilitating vacant homes
- Commercial & mixed-use development: Supporting new shops and businesses, introducing market-rate and subsidized housing, and preserving historic buildings
- Renovating the East Warren main street: Re-balancing the streetscape for all users
- Catalytic park improvements: Improving local park amenities and park access
Urban Strategies co-led the planning and design effort with OHM Advisors and assisting local engagement experts 3C with the design and implementation of the public consultation process. Urban Strategies also created key strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization, and synthesized community priorities into a Strategic Opportunities Framework that aligns project recommendations so that they are mutually supportive and maximize benefits to the community.

Key Team Members

Craig Lametti

Josh Neubauer

Yasmin Afshar
Project Details
City of Detroit
Consultant Team
OHM Advisors
4Ward Planning
Quinn Evans Architects
Land Use/Scale
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