Projects > Fan Pier

Fan Pier

Boston, Massachusetts 1998 - 2000

Aerial photo of Fan Pier under construction.

Urban Strategies was retained by the Pritzker family and Hyatt Development Corporation to prepare a master plan for Fan Pier, 21 acres of former port lands in Boston’s South Seaport District. Working with transportation consultant VHB, we sought to create a vibrant neighbourhood by accommodating the developer’s demanding space requirements in a series of urbane, mixed-use buildings, situated on a fine-grained street network.  Initial forecasts called for approximately three million square feet of building split evenly amongst commercial, residential and hotel uses. Threaded throughout the plan is a system of public spaces, including boardwalks, through-building atria, a public market and a waterfront park designed to expand the recreational potential of the site. Following a complex approvals process, the Fan Pier Master Plan achieved City and State approval.

Key Team Members

Project Details


Hyatt Development Corporation

Consultant Team

CBT Architects
Epsilon Associates Inc.
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA)

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