Urban Strategies is working with First Capital Realty (FCR) and a multi-disciplinary consultant team to facilitate the master plan and related development approvals for the redevelopment of the Shops at Liberty Village – 61 and 75 Hanna Avenue, and 120 Lynn Williams Street. Liberty Village is a unique neighbourhood with industrial origins that has experienced rapid residential and office growth over the past decade. A Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted in December 2020.

The Proposal will intensify this underdeveloped site in Liberty Village to deliver a mixed use development that includes office, retail and residential uses, and a new 1,127m2 public park that will sit at the heart of Liberty Village, providing a focal point for the development. The mixed-use development will reshape and define the site as the new heart of Liberty Village, knitting the site into the fabric of the Liberty Village community and support its continuing evolution as a vibrant, mixed-use complete community. The base building at 75 Hanna Avenue will deliver 6,557m2 of office space which, when combined with the retail spaces at grade, will accommodate more than 270 jobs.

The proposed development will also include 850 residential units in a range of types and sizes, contributing to the area’s housing diversity. The public realm consists of a Public Park, a new public street – the Snooker Street extension, a pedestrian promenade and an urban plaza at the corner of East Liberty Street and Lynn Williams Street. This network will cover over 40% of the site, providing a network of animated public spaces that enhance connectivity to and through the site.

Key Team Members

Cyndi Rottenberg-Walker

Inger Squires

Michel Trocmé