Projects > Ontario Transit Supportive Guidelines

Ontario Transit Supportive Guidelines

Ontario 2010 - 2012

Photo of people waiting outside for a bus.


Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Excellence, Planning Publications


Ontario Provincial Planners Institute Award of Excellence, Communications / Public Education

Urban Strategies was retained to update Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation Transit-Supportive Guidelines, originally published in 1992.
These new guidelines are a distillation of transit-friendly land use planning, urban design and operational practices, drawing from examples in Ontario, elsewhere in North America and abroad. Their aim is to assist urban planners, transit planners, developers and others, working in communities of all sizes, in creating an environment that is supportive of transit and increasing transit ridership. The guidelines are organized into a series of topics, each of which contains strategies applicable to all community scales. The document also features best practice case studies, a glossary of terms, an index and a summary of resources and references.

Project Details


Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Land Use/Scale

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