Projects > Ottawa Employment Land Review

Ottawa Employment Land Review

Ottawa, Ontario 2015 - 2016

Ottawa Urban Employment nodes map

Hemson Consulting, Urban Strategies and Stantec Engineering were retained by the City of Ottawa to undertake an Employment Land Review in 2015. Employment Land is defined by the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) as land specifically accommodating employment uses.

The study took a fresh look at the City’s objectives for employment and designated Employment Land from a “one-city” perspective to ensure an adequate, suitable and on-going supply for the city as a whole. For the review, the team evaluated current conditions in Ottawa and the economic and policy context in which the City is planning for jobs and Employment Land; undertook a supply and demand analysis within a market context; conducted a review of Official Plan policy for managing growth; and identified strategic approaches to economic development. The Employment Land Review entailed close collaboration between team members and City Staff, as well as regular conversations with land owners and City Councillors to develop a document that considers the long-range economic health of Ottawa.

Key Team Members

Project Details


City of Ottawa

Consultant Team

Hemson Consulting Ltd.
Stantec Engineering

Land Use/Scale

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