In 2018, Urban Strategies Inc. was retained by Context Development Inc. for urban planning and urban design consulting services in support of development approvals for the revitalization of the Don Summerville site in Toronto’s East End. Don Summerville is an existing Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) social housing development, constructed in the 1970s on the 3.3 acre site. A collaboration between TCHC and Context Development Inc. has led to the reimagining of this site at the interface between the Greenwood-Coxwell neighbourhood and the City’s waterfront open space network.

Urban Strategies helped secure Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments in 2020 for the development of a new mixed-use and mixed income community at Don Summerville, including the full replacement of existing rent-geared-to-income units for TCHC residents. The new community will include over 750 new homes, including rent-geared-to-income (RGI), affordable rental, non-profit, market rental, and condominium units in a significant contribution to the city’s stressed housing stock. Public realm improvements and a mix of uses are also introduced as part of the proposed development, including new at-grade retail along Queen Street East. These improvements will strengthen the main street character of Queen Street East, while activating Eastern Avenue and reinforcing open space linkages and connections with the waterfront. Urban Strategies is presently assisting the project team through the site plan approvals process for the development.