Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Excellence for Neighbourhood Planning
American Planning Association, Minnesota Chapter, Honor Award
The planned route for an LRT linking downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis, the 11-mile long Central Corridor, is the most important east-west transportation corridor within the Twin Cities region, connecting major activity and employment centers with a direct link to almost 280,000 jobs, 123,000 residents and 15 distinct neighbourhoods.
The Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) created by Urban Strategies is a visioning and policy document guiding land use and development decisions to allow the corridor to accommodate new ways of moving, living and working. The principal objectives of the CCDS are: to explore opportunities for community building and local business development; identify opportunities for new transit-oriented development so that the corridor can evolve as a great urban place that supports transit; create recommendations for a revised planning framework; and input into engineering and design of the LRT system.

Building on the vision and regulatory foundation established through the CCDS, Urban Strategies prepared detailed Station Area Plans for each of the planned LRT stations within the Saint Paul portion of the Central Corridor. Through close consultation with community stakeholders on place-specific objectives and concerns, these plans broaden the understanding of the specific character, opportunities and challenges inherent within each station area; prescribe specific guidelines for the orientation and connection of buildings and public spaces to adjacent planned stations; and contain a detailed land use, ordinance, and implementation strategy for incorporation into the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

Key Team Members

Melanie Hare

Craig Lametti

Mihaly Szabo

Sean Quin
Project Details
City of Saint Paul
Land Use/Scale
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