Urban Strategies, in collaboration with URS, was the lead consultant for the South Buffalo Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Study. The study involved the preparation of a Masterplan and New York State Brownfield Nomination Document for New York State’s largest Brownfield Opportunity Area. An 800 hectare area adjacent to Buffalo’s downtown and waterfront. In contrast to the existing “shovel ready” initiatives espoused for the site, Urban Strategies plan seeks to leverage the sites existing assets, including its scale, natural amenities and infrastructure, to position the BOA to cultivate a range of use clusters that can capture and build upon emerging regional growth sectors. Potential land uses focus on achieving greater long-term employment diversification and sustainability, with emphasis on green industry, business parks and R&D, sectors which have significant growth potential and offer higher value employment opportunities.
The plan balances the need for short term growth through a careful land use and phasing strategy that supports existing industries but preserves high-profile sites for complimentary clusters of activity with the ability to drive regional growth and foster synergies. Early phase investment either responds to existing market demand or is targeted to public realm and infrastructure improvements that will allow for higher value land uses over time.