Ontario Provincial Planners Institute, Award for Excellence in Planning: Research/New Directions
Urban Strategies led a multi-disciplinary team in developing a strong, detailed, defensible, and comprehensive set of performance standards for tall buildings in Toronto’s downtown core. The final report identifies appropriate locations and heights for tall buildings and set out regulations for how they should be designed in order to relate appropriately to their surroundings and improve the livability and enjoyment of Downtown as a whole. The vision and regulations are designed to be seamlessly integrated into the existing regulatory framework through amendments to the Zoning By-law and the Official Plan.
Key Team Members

Frank Lewinberg

Geoff Whittaker

Mary Castel
Project Details
City of Toronto
Consultant Team
Hariri Pontarini Architects
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Kitchener 2051 Official Plan Update
Urban Strategies is leading equitable & inclusive engagement for Kitchener 2051, helping shape future growth and community-driven policy.