Urban Strategies is leading a team that includes Avison Young and Francl Architects to explore the long-term development capacity of the Vancouver Community College (VCC) Broadway Campus and define near term development options for both academic and residential facilities. The College is within an intensifying mixed-use neighbourhood that includes significant new transit investment. Place-keeping strategies include the integration and extension of a “Cultural Corridor” that recalls the historic southern bank of False Creek, connects the site westward into Downtown Vancouver, and highlights the legacies of the Coast Salish First Nations.

VCC is seeking to ensure the Broadway Campus provides adequate facilities for the growth and evolution of the institution while promoting land value capture. This work was initiated in December 2023 and is anticipated to be completed in December of 2024, and includes engagement with the City of Vancouver and collaboration with local First Nations.

Key Team Members

Warren Price

Mona Han

Cameron Harris-McCoy