Urban Land Institute Global Award of Excellence, Master Planning
Urban Strategies has been retained by DREAM, Kilmer, and TRICON Capital Group to provide planning services for the development of five blocks within the West Don Lands. DREAM, Kilmer, and TRICON Capital Group have formed a partnership and entered into 99-year land leases with Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure. The five development sites are approximately 9 acres in total, surrounding Cherry Street at Mill Street and Front Street East. They are currently either vacant or used as surface parking lots. The sites are located in close proximity to the Distillery District, the Canary District, Corktown Common, and the future East Harbour SmartTrack station. The revitalization of these five sites intends to complement and connect to the surrounding uses. The development will incorporate purpose-built rental units, including affordable housing, as well as retail and office space.

The West Don Lands – located within the Central Waterfront and King-Parliament Secondary Plan areas – has a unique and intricate planning and policy framework informed by over 20 years of planning. The West Don Lands is envisioned as a mixed-use, sustainable, multi-modal community that is well-integrated with the surrounding neighbourhoods, contributing to the vitality and vibrancy of the Downtown. Urban Strategies is working with the Partnership throughout the approvals process to revitalize the five sites in stages, supporting the realization of the vision for the West Don Lands.
Key Team Members

Benjamin Hoff
Project Details
Tricon Capital Group
Kilmer Van Nostrand Co. Limited
Consultant Team
COBE Architects
BA Group
Land Use/Scale
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