Urban Strategies provides planning consulting advice and services for the continuing evolution of the Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Yorkdale is one of North America’s most successful shopping centres, and has fundamentally shifted the retail environment in the city of Toronto, remaining well-known for innovative architectural features and design excellence. Urban Strategies has provided planning and urban design consulting services for Yorkdale on an ongoing basis for over 10 years. During this time, the shopping centre has undergone three major developments, and is currently undergoing a Master Planning process.
The first redevelopment included the Holt Renfrew Store and a number of smaller retail spaces on the south side of the shopping centre; the second was the Nordstrom expansion which also incorporated approximately 40 new retail spaces on the east side of the shopping centre adjacent to the Yorkdale subway station; and the third was a retail addition on the west side of the shopping centre, anchored by Restoration Hardware, in the location of the former Sears Department store. Smaller internal renovations and changing retail needs have been supported in recent years by site-wide minor variances and Zoning by-law amendments, secured to facilitate the timely evolution of the shopping centre.
The current Yorkdale Master Plan process is working to establish a long term development framework for the Site, maintaining the existing highly successful shopping centre and creating a complementary new mixed use, vibrant, and well connected neighbourhood. The Yorkdale Master Plan includes approximately 650,000 square metres of additional gross floor area (GFA) in the form of new residential, retail, office, hotel and entertainment uses. The new development will include over 5,000 residential units, new community amenities and commercial spaces, and a rich open space and public realm network that will extend, complement, and further enrich the experience the Yorkdale Shopping Centre currently provides. Urban Strategies continues to work closely with the design team, city staff and the owner to achieve the timely delivery of planning and urban design services required of retail development.